Scam Alert Scam Alert

If you are a local contractor please be aware of this scam, below is a transcript of text message between myself and a would the would be scammer texting from number 347-699-6731. I have reported to the Kosciusko Sheriff’s Dept. and the Better Business Bureau.

Scammer, received 7 p.m. 4-27-13 Hello, I’m Lauris Benson, I will like to know if you do house painting?? If yes, I would need your help because I just bought a house in town. Its a 2-bedroom Multi Family home in the city and I will like you to understand that I will be paying for the inspection of the property for proper handling and estimation, I need the full house painting exterior for the house. will you be able

Me: Yes I would be willing to meet with you.

Scammer: hers is my address, 1770 N Vicky L.N. Warsaw, In 46582

Me: if you like you may call me at 5743772189 with the location and time we could meet thanks Ron Johnson

Scammer: I will like to know if you do accept major types of credit cards.

Me: through paypal on my website

Me: website is

Scammer: I can only do the payment with my credit card and you can call your bank and request for it I mean you can call your bank. Ask if they do accept and charge credit cards or you can charge it at the credit card company that is the fastest way.. like to hear from you a.s.a.p.

Scammer: hello are you there????

Me: I will contact the bank Monday morning

Me: when would you like to meet for an estimate

Scammer: ok. sounds great get back to me with the confirmation from the Bank after call…God Bless…

Me: God Bless and have a great evening

Scammer: I’m presently on Vacation for now and I want the house to be paint before I arrive back to the city…will you be able to handle everything for me…??? God Bless

Me: Yes it should be no problem ill look at the property tomorrow and send you all of the information

Scammer: the initial owner want the balance before the house can be paint and check so he can confirm the balance before he can allow anybody to come in and paint the house.

Me: I understand will be alright if do the estimate if I am on the property just to measure the square footage

Scammer: Johnson you there???

Scammer: Thanks so much for taking your precious time in sending me reply regarding the painting & I will really appreciate it if you could so a perfect job for me. I will also like you to do me a favor due to my condition for now I will be grateful, because the initial owner do not have access to credit card facility that is why I want you to handle everything for me. So I will give my card to

Me: I will do my very best job for you

Scammer: hope you understand the little favor I ask you???

Me: Yes I understand

Scammer: Ok, great I will be waiting for your text about the bank issue….Once again thanks Johnson and have a nice weekend…God Bless…

Me: Your welcome talk to you soon

Received May 1, 2013

Scammer: hello how are you doing today are you still interested in mu Business if yes, do replay me soon as possible you get this message thru….

Me: Yes I am I looked at the house today it has vinyl siding and can not be painted

Scammer: I mean inside not outside the building ok.

Me: oaky I’ll need inside the home to measure

Scammer: Ok. that not a problem but I’m having a little problem with the intital owner of the house because I ponly paid 85% payment of the property. She does not have the facility to accept credit cards payment for me to balance her. And the intial owner want the balance before the house can be painted, and he said he will confirm the first payment before he can allow anybody to come in because he has the key to the house, I will like you to do me the little favor I ask you now…and I hope, have contact your Bank about the credit card charging…???

Me: yes I can accept payment

Scammer: ok. sounds great hope you understand the little favor I ask you???

Scammer: Hello you there???? hope you go my message????

Me: As I understand it you want me use your credit card to make the last payment

Scammer: are you there????

Me: as I understand it you want me use your credit card to make the last payment

Scammer: Yes…. I will like you to charge my credit card and charge the sum of $2250. and deduct the sum of $750 as a deposit of your services and wire the remaining $1500 via western union to the initial owner for me to balance her…..

Me: send me all the info

Scammer: hope you got that

Me: send me all the info

Scammer: ok.. sound great I will get back to you soon with my credit card info…

Scammer: ok.. sound great I will get back to you soon with my credit card info…

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